
Fan Friday: Superbowl Pool!

Tomorrow is Fan Friday at Genera Solutions! 
To celebrate the end of great football season and the big game, we are having a football pool and "wear your favorite football jersey". 
(Both are optional.) 

The Game:

The Pool:

The Info:

-- $3 dollars per square

-- If you are not here tomorrow (Friday, 01/29) or work remotely, email Liz T. by 2:30 PM with the amount of squares you would like to have. 
(Please note: Liz T. will choose your squares)

-- If you are in the office tomorrow, Liz C. and Liz T. will be coming around beginning at 10 AM to collect money and have people choose their squares. 

-- ALL squares must be filled in by 2:30 PM tomorrow. Please email or find Liz T. or Liz C. if you want to participate and have not had a chance to pick your squares.

-- At 3 PM, the completed football pool will be sent out via email to employees. The numbers going across and down, as well as how the teams will be labeled will be drawn at random by John Seebach. 

-- Winners will be determined by the last digit of a score. 
(Example: Patriots 10 and Seahawks 17, the winner will be the person who has the Patriots at 0 and the Seahawks at 7)

ALL money must be collected by Monday at 12PM. 

The Pot:

1st Quarter: $25
1st Half: $100
3rd Quarter: $25
Final (either 4th quarter or overtime): $150

If you have any questions, please email Liz T.


Magazine Rotations

One perk of working at Genera Solutions is the magazine shipment we receive every Thursday morning. Since all of the magazines we take are complimentary, a Go-Gen request was submitted for a donation box. 

We have now been successfully implementing this idea for a few months.  This is completely voluntary, but recommended that a quarter is donated for every magazine you take. At the end of the first quarter, we will count the donations and give to a local charity. 

When the magazine shipment arrives on Thursday’s, we are following a rotation schedule on which department will get first pick. This ensures fairness for every employee. You may choose up to 5 different titles, but please only take 1 copy per title. If copies are left over at the end of the week, you are welcome to more.

01/08/2015 - AR and FAS
01/15/2015 - Operations
01/22/2015 - Setup
01/29/2015 - Pub. Pay
02/05/2015 - Incentives
02/12/2015 - IT/OBA 

After those dates, the rotation will begin again. Another blog post will be created as the time gets closer.

Reminder: If someone besides Liz T. signs for the magazines, please ensure that the monthly titles displayed in our lobby are pulled first (before others begin taking magazines). Examples: Cosmo, Glamour, Allure, Redbook, GQ, Flex, Lucky, Shape, etc.


January Announcements

Jayadev - 01/18

Aruna, 01/18 - 8 years
Tony, 01/18 - 8 years

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, January 19th!

Join us on Thursday, January 15th at 2 PM in the break room for refreshments!

During the holiday season, we raised $85 to donate to the Salvation Army. Thank you to every employee who contributed! 

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore, Dream, Discover." 
–Mark Twain

Tony: At this time, I am not able to edit Edge reports.  Twice Tony has provided assistance and was able to do the editing needed.  Though already busy, he took the time to look at my reports and make the necessary changes which was profitable to me in doing my job.  Many thanks Tony for being a team player and coming to my aide without hesitation. 

Liz C.: She is very helpful and always ready to assist with any problems. Excellent human skills and great attitude. A real pleasure to deal with her. 

Emily: Assisted in last minute publisher request

Darryl: Assisted in last minute publisher request

Barbara: Barbara pointed out the possibilities of additional automation for foreign accounts in Upload Sales adjustments. It is impressive to think outside the box which increases the productivity and potential cost saving. She deserves a Kudo from I.T.

Sara:  Sara has helped me with a lot of Oracle problems! Thank you! I really appreciate it!
Darryl: Darryl was excited and eager to understand Wholesale Financial Service. Darryl willingly participated in the reconciliation of accounts. He even strategized how WFS can improve with collections. Darryl is a great team player.

Chris E.: Chris tirelessly pursues an issue and eventually gets it resolved.I don't think we have come accross an issue with my computer that he hasn't been able to resolve. Thanx for keeping things working Chris!

Jim: Jim has worked with many project migrations. He has been the key member in migrations and has worked with project teams after hours whenever required to ensure we meet the timelines.

Catherine: Catherine makes a point of double checking the multiple medical invoices that we receive each month, ensuring that each is received and paid. This is a big help. 

Emily: ALWAYS helpful and consistently willing to help no matter what. I never feel like asking a dumb question and am learning to fix errors myself now because of her patient teaching method. Thank you!