
Emergency Response Plan: Any Emergency

Over the course of the next few of months, the Genera Solutions blog will be emphasizing handling emergency office situations and dedicating a blog post specifically to each of the issues. 

These plans are designed to protect all employees during emergencies. To begin this series, below are basic guidelines to follow during any emergency that may happen during office hours.

For your reference, the Genera safety team and their extensions are listed on the right-hand side of this blog.

  • Remain calm. Panic can cause more damage than the emergency itself.
  • Call 9-1-1 and relate all pertinent information (address, office number, name, etc.)
  • Do not become a spectator. Go away from-- not towards, the problem area. Avoid getting in the way of emergency personnel.
  • Follow directions of those in charge of the situation.
  • If necessary, evacuate your office area and the building. Evacuation route plans indicating exits are located in each elevator lobby.
  • Report any special assistance requests to Building Services. 
  • If possible, confirm that the floor is clear of personnel by walking the floor after evacuation. Close all doors, but do not lock them. 

Next week we will explain how to properly evacuate. 

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