
Emergency Response Plan: Evacuation

The Emergency Response Plans are designed to protect all employees during emergencies. It is important to thoroughly understand proper precautions and procedures to avoid conflict and any additional hazards. 

For your reference, the Genera safety team and their extensions are listed on the right-hand side of this blog.

How to properly evacuate: 

  1.  As soon as you hear the fire alarm or order to evacuate, immediately evacuate the building via the stairwells. Never use the elevators during an emergency.
  2. Fire Warden's should aid in the evacuation of the building by directing others to the stairwells and out of the building. Fire Warden's should also check each office and close the door once the office is clear. Please leave the office doors unlocked, and quickly check the restrooms (if applicable). 
  3. Fire Warden's should station persons unable to exit via the stairs (i.e. handicapped person) in the stairwell landing and notify the fire department and Building Services of their location. 
  4. During an evacuation drill or actual emergency evacuation, please gather all employees at your designated Assembly Point, which must be one hundred feet from the building. 
  5. Do not allow anyone to re-enter the building until a local authority has given the order to return. 

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