
2015 Benefits Plan Meeting

 On Friday, November 7th Willis will be in the office to go over the 2015 Benefit Plans.

We will have two different meetings that will be held in the team room and suggest a general guideline for attendance below to even out the groups.

The first session is at 9 AM. If your last name begins with A-L please plan to attend that session.
The second session is at 11 AM. If your last name begins M-Z please plan to attend that session.

If your scheduled time is inconvenient to you, you may attend the other one.  

If you are out of the office that day, you can attend one of the open enrollment conference calls scheduled on the email attachment.

The sessions are scheduled to be at least an hour. Please, remember to bring your Benefits Guide to the meeting and arrive a few minutes early.

If you have any questions or concerns please let Liz or Teresa know.

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