
Run! Ballantyne Information and Sign up!

Genera Solutions has generously offered to sponsor their employees to participate in this year's "Run! Ballantyne" 5K or 8K.

5K information: here
8K information: here

When you are ready to register, please click here.
  • Genera's coupon code is  GS15 , enter this code in the appropriate spot on the second page, and fill out all of the other necessary information. The code removes the fee and makes the race free.
  • Please do not give code to anyone who is unauthorized to use it. If this happens, their name will be removed from the system.
  • Employees can participate in any of the events (8K or 5K) or Volunteer for the event to earn points for your team.
  • The code will expire on April 24th at 11:59pm)
Below are the steps to help you register:

1.) Select Genera under Team Division

After the necessary information is completed on the first page, the second page is where you will be prompted to enter Genera Solutions's above "coupon code". Once you have it entered, select "Apply" and finish.

Lastly, you will receive a confirmation. That is a "receipt" to show you are in the system for race day.

* * *
If you have a health issue that prevents you from running, or running is not something you enjoy doing, you can still attend to volunteer! Volunteering actually earns our company "points" for the overall team awards (division winners announced at the awards ceremony on race day.)
  • To sign up to volunteer, you will still register at the same link listed above.
  • Once starting the form, select yourself as a volunteer, complete the necessary information, and then on the second page, you will enter "Volunteer" as your "coupon" code.
Lastly, please click the below document (or revert to the attachment on the email sent about this blog post) that contains the schedules of each race, parking information, and other information that is imperative to know on the day of the race. Please print or save to a device that is easily accessible.

If you have any questions, please let Liz T. know.

We look forward to seeing you there -- Go Genera!

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