
Magazine Rotation Schedule

One perk of working at Genera Solutions is the magazine shipment we receive every Thursday morning. Since all of the magazines we take are complimentary, a Go-Gen request was submitted for a donation box. 

We have been successfully implementing this idea for a few months.  This is completely voluntary, but recommended that a quarter is donated for every magazine you take. At the end of the second quarter, we will add up the donations, and give to a children's charity. 

When the magazine shipment arrives on Thursday’s, we are following a rotation schedule on which department will get first pick. This ensures fairness for every employee. You may choose up to 5 different titles, but please only take 1 copy per title. If copies are left over at the end of the week, you are welcome to more.

                                     6/25/2015 - AR and FAS
                                     7/2/2015 - Operations
                                     7/9/2015 - Setup
                                     7/16/2015 - Pub. Pay
                                     7/23/2015 - Incentives
                                    7/30/2015 - IT/OBA

After those dates, the rotation will begin again. Another blog post will be created as the time gets closer.


If someone besides Liz T. signs for the magazines, please ensure that the monthly titles displayed in our lobby are pulled first (before others begin taking magazines). Examples: Cosmo, Glamour, Allure, Redbook, GQ, Flex, Lucky, Shape, etc.

Please do not remove the monthly titles on the display case. Once the rotation has finished, the titles will come down, and employees will have the ability to take them home. They are to remain displayed on the case until that time. 

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