
Emergency Response Plan: Medical Emergency

The Emergency Response Plans are designed to protect all employees during emergencies. It is important to thoroughly understand proper precautions and procedures to avoid conflict and any additional hazards. 

For your reference, the Genera safety team and their extensions are listed on the right-hand side of this blog.

What to do during a medical emergency:
  • Call 9-1-1 for medical assistance.
  • Do only what is necessary to stabilize the individual.
  • Contact Building Services to report the incident.
  • Appoint someone to stand outside and direct the ambulance, fire, and/or other emergency responders to the correct location. 
  • Keep area clear of unnecessary bystanders and observers. 

It is important to remember safety and preventing hazards within our Genera office as well. All of our office doors remain locked with authorized personnel having an assigned fob for entrance. If you are approached by someone requesting entrance who is not an employee of Genera, contact Liz so she can ensure it is a scheduled guest and assist.

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