
Emergency Response Plan: Suspicious Substances and Packages

The Emergency Response Plans are designed to protect all employees during emergencies. It is important to thoroughly understand proper precautions and procedures to avoid conflict and any additional hazards. 

For your reference, the Genera safety team and their extensions are listed on the right-hand side of this blog.

If you come in contact with a suspicious substance and or package, please engage in the follow procedures:

1.) Notify police, fire warden/supervisor, and building services.
2.) Clear individuals and items from the immediate area around the package(s)
3.) Cordon the area uising a barrier, tape, or signs
4.) Keep people a minimum of 15 feet away from the package(s) at all times.
5.) Make surrounding areas easily and readily accessibly to proper authorities.
6.) Contact the addressee and obtain the following information:
                      -Do you know the sender? (Is name, company, address familiar?)
                      -If so, are you expecting a letter/package from them?
                      -If expected, do you know the physical contents included?
7.) If the sender is unknown, ask:
              -Are you expecting any business correspondence from the sender?
                       -Would you be expecting any personal mail from (city/country)
                       -Have you returned anything for repair?
                       -Think of any other reason you might be expecting mail from this sender/city/country
8.) If the package is suspect, immediately call the police and Building Services
9.) Be prepared to report all information obtained to local authorities when they arrive.

Important to remember:
DO NOT open or move the package
DO NOT touch or handle the package
DO NOT soak in water or anything else
DO NOT put into confidence space (filing cabinet, desk drawer, etc.) 

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